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Take action and help support The Groundwater Foundation's work! Your tax-deductible donation enables us to continue to work toward our mission of educating people and inspiring action to ensure sustainable, clean groundwater for future generations.

  • $25

    A Donation of $25...
    ...can help us provide an Awesome Aquifer groundwater modeling kit to a classroom, which allow students to learn about how groundwater moves and can become contaminated in a hands-on way.

  • $50

    A Donation of $50...
    ...can help us work with a green space manager to adopt groundwater-friendly turf management practices on their site, thereby improving water quality and benefiting the environment.

  • $250

    A Donation of $250...
    ...helps us provide support, motivation, resources, and recognition to communities of all types working to educate people about groundwater and protect local drinking water supplies.

  • All Gifts

    All Gifts...
    ...benefit The Groundwater Foundation's programs and projects that provide tools, knowledge, and inspiration to help protect and conserve our precious groundwater supplies.

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