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Easy Ways to Conserve Water

  • Don’t Let It Run
    Don’t Let It Run

    It’s simple really, before you turn on the tap, think of ways you can use less water to accomplish the same purpose. Always shut off the water when you brush your teeth, fill the sink when shaving instead of letting the water run, keep a pitcher of water in the fridge instead of running it til it gets cold.

  • Fix the Leak

    There is no such thing as a little drip. A leaky faucet can waste 10 gallons of water every day. On a toilet, an average leak can add up to 60 gallons per day! Replace worn sink washers or valve seals to get rid of the drip, and check for leaks in a toilet's tank or replace old toilets with low-flush units.

  • Close the Hose

    Letting the garden hose run faster or longer than necessary is a careless and wasteful habit. A ½ inch garden hose under normal water pressure pours out more than 600 gallons of water per hour and a ¾ inch hose delivers almost 1,900 gallons in the same length of time.

  • Irrigate Wisely
    Irrigate Wisely

    Watch the weather and irrigate only during the cooler parts of the day (early morning or late evening). If you walk across your lawn and the grass does not spring back up, then it's time to water. Check with your local extension agent or garden center for recommendations for your area's climate.

  • Check the Plumbing

    Proper maintenance is one of the most effective water savers. Faucet washers are inexpensive and take only a few minutes to replace. At home, check all water taps, hoses, and hose connections (even those that connect to dishwashers and washing machines) for leaks. Check the garden hose too—it should be turned off at the faucet, not just at the nozzle.

  • 5 Minute Shower Challenge
    5 Minute Shower Challenge

    A quick shower uses 20-30 fewer gallons of water than a bath. Challenge yourself to take just showers of just 5 minutes or less, then challenge your family members to do the same. Use a shower timer to help keep the time down. Use the 30by30 Mobile App to track all of your daily water use.

  • Teach Your Community

    As you conserve water at home and in your community, you will help ensure that the water available now continues to meet the growing water needs of the future.

  • Get Started Conserving Water Today!

    Take little steps each day to reduce the amount of water you use, by the end of the month it will become second nature.

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