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The Groundwater Foundation maintains this site for your personal information, education, and motivation. We invite you to browse our site.

All information on our site, including but not limited to: articles, artwork, photographs, graphics, text, downloadable files, and trademarked/servicemarked programs, are the sole property of The Groundwater Foundation. The exclusive rights to all materials on this site are protected by U.S. and international laws of copyright, trademark and unfair competition.

In keeping with The Groundwater Foundation's mission to encourage public awareness of groundwater and its protection, The Groundwater Foundation will allow its information to be reproduced by users for educational purposes.

You may copy, reproduce and distribute content from this site provided that you meet ALL of the following conditions:

  • Your purpose for reproduction is to educate others.

  • You may not use the information or images on this site in a derogatory, defamatory or pornographic manner.

  • The particular article or graphic is reproduced in its entirety in its original form; you may not edit or otherwise change the substance of the content, or change or delete any copyright, trademark and other proprietary notices. (If you intend to modify, edit, or rewrite the information in any way, you must contact The Groundwater Foundation for prior written authorization. Call 1-800-858-4844 or email

  • All copies must include the following statement: "This material was reproduced from with the permission of The Groundwater Foundation. © The Groundwater Foundation. All Rights Reserved."

  • The copies are distributed only for noncommercial educational or public awareness purposes of promoting the protection and conservation of groundwater and the natural environment.

  • The copies are distributed at no charge, or at most, at actual cost.

Provided you comply with all of the above conditions, The Groundwater Foundation grants you a nonexclusive, nontransferable license to use the materials on our site.

Other than as specifically described above, you may not modify, revise, edit, display, prepare derivative works based on, republish, transmit, repost or otherwise use the content of our site without prior written authorization from The Groundwater Foundation. To request such permission, contact The Groundwater Foundation directly at or 402-434-2740 to discuss the purpose of such reproduction.

All press releases found under the "In the News" button are written for the specific purpose of reproduction and do not require copyright permission.

The Use of Trademarks, Servicemarks, and Logos
Logos, trademarks, and servicemarks are the sole property of The Groundwater Foundation. Prior written authorization is required for reproduction of Groundwater Foundation logos, trademarks, and servicemarks. Examples include, but are not limited to:

  • The Groundwater Foundation logo

  • Groundwater Guardian logo and program

  • Groundwater Guardian Green Sites logo and program

  • All publications and products listed in The Groundwater Foundation's Catalog

If you would like permission to use any of these logos for uses different than the educational reasons detailed in the "Copyright Policy" section, contact The Groundwater Foundation directly at or 402-434-2740 to discuss the purpose of such reproduction.

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